Woman Angered When Veiled Anger Expressed
As Mock Anger Is Interpreted As Real Anger
NY--Anger was the order
of the day Tuesday, when
area resident Gwen
McCullers, 41, reacted
angrily to husband Craig's
insinuation that she was
angry. Sources report that
real anger over an
inexpensive, thoughtless
anniversary gift surfaced
in the form of thinly veiled
mock anger on the part of
Gwen, who suggested to
Craig that "another
goddamn cheap beaded
car seat" would be a
suitable gift for his
mother's 70th birthday.
Gwen's veiled anger, which
she disguised as mock
anger, turned to openly
displayed real anger when
Craig responded, "What?
You said you didn't want
to make a big deal out of
the anniversary." After 15
minutes of discussing the
various complexities,
emotional underpinnings
and larger implications of
the previous discussion,
both parties walked off
angrily. "I was just
pretending to be angry as
a little joke," Gwen said